Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Break-MARCH 7-16 (THATS 10 DAYS!!!)

Here I am! You wanted pictures so you got it. 5 months along

KAYDEN pretending he's a motorcycle rider his other favorite thing to do is play like a super hero with his stick sword,cape and brads work goggles. He's so much fun!

so we had tonz of fun I am not a big vegas fan but I had a lot of fun this time. i think that i liked it a lot more because we did stuff that was family orientated instead of sitting in a stupid casino loosing money. the boys really had a lot of fun they loved the swimming pool at our hotel. I don't know if you can see in the pictures that there is a big fish aquarium in the middle of the swimming pool. they also liked the m&m factory> it was good to get out of town :)

he has a WIENER

thats right i said he has a freekin wiener!! but it will be ok the baby is really healthy no problems.I guess we are supposed to have boys because this is it no more! and thats final even if brad thinks we should have more. he does not have to give birth maybe if he found a way to give birth I might think about it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

NASCAR LAS VEGAS March 2, 2008

Rick,Brad,Shane,Tyson,Taylor and Connor at the NASCAR races! What a great day!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Winter Fun at our Lehi House, December 2007

We had so much playing in the snow. Connor and I built a snowman! After we went to Grandma and Grandpa Pollmanns for some sledding and Brad made the announcement that we were expecting! Without asking me first:)

Boys at the Salt Lake Temple, September 1, 2007


Motorcycling with the boys

Connor's really awesome trick!, Taylor catching some air, Kayden and dad.
Summer 2007


We are still having fun. Taylor and Connor are playing flag football kayden is busy going to preschool. I'm busy at home with the baby and running from place to place for the boy's. We have also been looking for a new house. brad is still really busy at work love the pollmanns