Here I am! You wanted pictures so you got it. 5 months along
KAYDEN pretending he's a motorcycle rider his other favorite thing to do is play like a super hero with his stick sword,cape and brads work goggles. He's so much fun!
so we had tonz of fun I am not a big vegas fan but I had a lot of fun this time. i think that i liked it a lot more because we did stuff that was family orientated instead of sitting in a stupid casino loosing money. the boys really had a lot of fun they loved the swimming pool at our hotel. I don't know if you can see in the pictures that there is a big fish aquarium in the middle of the swimming pool. they also liked the m&m factory> it was good to get out of town :)
How fun that you guys were able to get away and play in Vegas. My favorite picture is of Kayden w/ his helmet on his bike! It is always fun to get out of town. We are coming to St. George in April for our spring break...we will let you know so we can come say hi.
Congrats again on your baby boy. I know you wanted a girl, but you will be the one and only princess of the house. Make sure your boys know that:)
Hey girl we will be down there on April 13 to 16, lets do dinner.
Kallee statement is true you will be the only princess in the house your clothes, makeup and shoes are all your beleve me I know.
we like the weiner comment
Love ya Chris and Danielle
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